All islands are welcome (IOTA, N / V or IWI) on the 11 meter band.

Please use your legal frequencies (26 & 27 Mhz), all modes are valid.




NEWS !!!! A change for Teams who will activate 1 single island during the entire Festival, a 1 Island ranking is implemented, all Teams who have activated 1 single island will be classified in this category but will also be in the general ranking

ATTENTION this classification will be ONLY for Teams in Portable station


1 °) Single operator = 5%

2 °) Portable station = 10%

3 °) new island (over 11m) = 15%

4 °) Island difficult to access * = 20%

5 °) Activation on a DXCC ** = 25%


If the activated island is in Portable Station + New Island it will count for 10% + 15% points.


Exp: 99WIF / OC121 / MI 472 qsos + 10% (Portable station) = 519.2 pts + 15% (New island) = 597.08 Pts.


Take care to fill in the corresponding fields when registering


* Island difficult to access = the island must be accessible only by plane or boat, kayak ..., if this is the case you will have to send proof to Team WIF (ticket, ticket or photo of your crossing) .


** Activation on a DXCC = activated island must be different from your home country and should not be activated from a local station.

If several islands are activated on the same DXCC, only the first island will benefit from the 25% bonus.


You can activate as many islands as you want but will count the 3 islands with the greatest number of stations contacted during the Festival.

The points of these 3 islands will be added for the final classification.


The callsigns recorded in your logs must be written only in this form and without spaces:     25WIF001 ç OK      ----         25 WIF 001 or 25WIF01 ç  NO

Please note the full station code.

Please use ONLY the excel format to send your Log.


Teams logs are to be sent via worldislandsfestival@gmail.com no later than 14 July 2024 , logs not received by this date will not be counted.


Only the Team or DX Group are responsible for their activations.





Only 1 QSO per island will be valid with the same call multiplied by the total number of points of the contacted islands.

For multicalls, nothing prevents you from logging in with 2 different codes on an activation on D-day.


The classification will be made according to the Teams logs, to avoid ties, the hunters will be ranked according to their entry in the logs for all hunters except for those who have contacted only one island.


Exp: 14 Islands x 72 points = 1008 points

To avoid ties, stations are calculated according to their entries in the logs:

1st ITL, 25, 18, 44, 72 = 160 - 1000 = 840

Total points = 1008,840


Island already activated = 3 pts

Portable station = 5 pts

New Island over 11m = 7 pts


1 certificate will be sent by email to the first 3 "Teams" and "Hunters".

For stations classified from 4th to 10th place, you can request it if you wish to receive your certificate by email: worldislandsfestival@gmail.com



73, Team W.I.F (Eric, Didier & Phil)